MetalBear’s Blog

Read technical content written by our awesome team.

Five Talks We're Waiting for at KubeCon Europe 2024

The MetalBear team will be joining the fun in Paris this year, and we’ve prepared a list of five talks that we’re particularly excited about.

Posted February 22, 2024 by Anita Ihuman

Scaling Out Development Environments

Using mirrord to close the gap between Dev & Prod

Posted January 2, 2024 by Tanjim Hossain

The Traffic Police 🚨 - Controlling outgoing traffic with mirrord

Introducing the new outgoing traffic filter feature for mirrord

Posted August 29, 2023 by Alexandre Cavalcante

mirrord as an alternative to Telepresence

A comparison between mirrord and Telepresence

Posted July 10, 2023 by Eyal Bukchin

Easy K8S Connectivity for Local Utils

Introducing the new targetless mode for mirrord

Posted June 4, 2023 by Tal Zwick

Writing a Kubernetes Operator

Get up and running with Kubernetes operators in (hopefully) minutes!

Posted March 9, 2023 by Dmitry Dodzin